Inheritance Leaver

You have significant assets that may be spread across a complex portfolio that you’re looking to bequeath to your heirs. You’re seeking a financial planner willing to maintain ties with your heirs, ensuring smooth management of the sizable inheritance. Stability and continued support for your family are top priorities 

Meet Robert & Evelyn

Robert, a retired exec, and Evelyn, a former teacher, are a couple in their mid-70s. They’ve saved and invested wisely over the years, allowing them to retire without ever worrying about running out of money. Their joy is spending time with their three adult daughters and four grandchildren. They want to ensure that their financial decisions align with their values, provide a comfortable lifestyle, and leave a legacy for their loved ones.

As they grow older, Robert is increasingly concerned about how Evelyn and his daughters will manage their portfolio if something happened to him. He's always managed the finances for the family and concerned with Evelyn's ability to handle this on her own. He wants to know that Evelyn, the kids, and grandkids are in good hands after he's gone.  

Consequently, they're looking to establish a relationship with a trustworthy financial planner that can serve them and their loved ones.  For Robert and Evelyn, it's all about making sure their family inherits their assets in a way that keeps things stable, protects their family’s futures, and leaves a lasting legacy. 

Pain Points

  • They're worried about the future: Their primary concern  revolves around preserving their wealth and ensuring it provides stable income for their retirement without compromising the legacy they'd like to leave behind.  They often wonder how to set their loved ones up for success when they are gone.  

  • Their finances are complex:  Managing a substantial portfolio with various assets like real estate, investments, and retirement accounts can be overwhelming and challenging, especially with a lack experience in financial management.  They often wonder how their heirs will responsibly manage a complex and sizable inheritance.    

  • Their estate plan is non-existent, needs work, or is outdated:  They want to ensure their loved ones are set-up for success when they're gone.  They don't know what they don’t know and need someone to quarterback communications between them and their estate planning attorney.  

  • They're concerned about their heirs:  Their heirs don’t have a trusted relationship with a fiduciary advisor.  They're worried about how they will manage a complex and substantial portfolio on their own.  They want to set them up for success by partnering them with a younger, trusted fiduciary advisor that can support them for life.  


Both Robert and Evelyn grew up with working-class parents, so they never imagined they’d accumulate the kind of wealth they enjoy today.  They want their adult children and grandchildren to be financially secure, but they also want them to understand the value of hard work, self-reliance, and fiscal responsibility that Robert and Evelyn had to learn to be successful.  It is important that their children have a trustworthy advisor that not only helps them manage their wealth, but empowers them with education and knowledge.  

  • What kind of trust do we need to protect our family from taxes and spendthrifts?

  • Who should serve as our trustee?

  • How can they minimize tax burdens through step-up in cost basis and Roth conversions?

  • How can they simplify their finances to make it easier for their heirs?

  • What if one passes away early? 

  • What if there is poor market performance?

  • What if they live a really long time?

A widow, son, or daughter who inherited significant wealth and may be inexperienced
Inheritance Receivers
A widow, son, or daughter who recently inherited significant wealth and may be inexperienced with managing a sizable portfolio.
A spouse who has always managed the household finances and wants to prepare their partner for their own passing
Inheritance Leavers
A spouse who has always managed the household finances for the family, and wants to prepare their partner for when they may not be around anymore
An individual or couple who wants to plan for their own retirement and leave a lasting legacy
A couple who wants to plan for own retirement but ALSO expects to leave behind significant wealth to their children and grandchildren